Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

Shaw Family Photo Page Shaw Family Video Page See Ya Love Ya page

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Twin in Labor

Kris’s twin, Karen, has just called and they are headed to the hospital. Boy, this ought to be good. It is a rainy 51 degree's right now. So I hope everyone is careful!

I (Krissy) arrived at the hospital around 1:00 a.m. It was a long night. Karen was 4 cm dilated at 9:00 a.m. when the doctor came in to check on her. At that time, Dr. Verross realized that the baby was breach. They immediately began preparing Karen for a c-section. Hayley Savannah was born at 10:01 a.m., weighed 6 lbs 14 oz, and was 20 inches long. Karen and the baby are doing well.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Princess Jennifer

Mom put some barrettes in Jenni's hair and she paraded around the house like a Princess.

Snow Day

It snowed in Charlotte, NC on Thursday, January 17. The schools were closed and the kids had fun playing in the snow.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hello Daddy

We miss you, Daddy!

We love you!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Karen's Baby Shower

Today was Karen's baby shower (Krissy's twin sister). It was at La-Tea-Da's. It was so much fun! Krissy won the first prize by guessing the correct size of Karen's tummy by tearing off a piece of streamer. Tish won the second prize by correctly unscrambling the most baby words during the time allowed.

The food was never ending. We were all stuffed by the end of the party. The cake was beautiful. It was decorated with edible baby booties.

Karen got lots of wonderful gifts. Thank you everyone!

Monday, January 07, 2008

David's Birthday

David's birthday was January 6. We made a Steeler's cake - Austin helped. David got a picture, Wii games and a Wii guitar, and a family photo album.

We finished the day with dinner at Red Robin.

Champions Moving – is it True?!?

This is day two if the moving trucks across the street. Could it be true? The neighborhood’s misguided youths moving? Only a birthday wish I could dream of. I suppose this is a good sign. I haven’t seen this much moving activity in a long time. We usually see furniture trucks, usually trying to get property back, in and out a good bit. These are the same folks that seem to have a hearing issue. They must, after 2200est, have the radio tuned so we can hear it in our house. I guess they feel they are being courteous by letting us in on their music. However, we thought they’d get the messages, “NO” after neighbors called the police on them several times for disturbing the peace. Perhaps New Years was the last call for the parents that actually own the home – allow their children to seek unmerited refuge.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everybody!

Jennifer's Birthday

Jennifer turned 2 years old on December 31. We had her party on Sunday, December 30. Everything was decorated with Barbie. She even had a babie doll cake.

She is getting so big, so fast.

Happy Birthday, Jenni!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Cold New Year

I must admit, I'm not complaining – especially in light of what the weather is up north! But it was cold for us today getting Austin to the bus stop. It was cold enough for me to dawn my old Russian hat. The wind was the real reason for the extra bite in the cold. has it at 25 degrees, but feels like 12. That explains it a little. But cold it cold!

Sariah reading a story to Jenni.