Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

Shaw Family Photo Page Shaw Family Video Page See Ya Love Ya page

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

David Cox Elementary Field Day

Even though today was an overcast day, everyone had a great time at Field Day at David Cox Elementary School.

There was one event where you dunked a frisbee in a bucket of water and walked to another bucket to dump the water in. Then the kids threw the frisbee to the next person in line.

The next event was musical water buckets. When the music stopped the kids sat in a bucket filled with water. If you didn't get a bucket, then you were out.

Then they had to carry a golf ball on a spoon with one hand, go around a cone, and then pass it to the next person in line.

There was a sack race and then a running race. After that they had their faces painted.

Here is a link to all of the photos:

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Sunday, May 25, 2008

How low Am I?

Oh, this brings back so many memories of tricks played on my friends. I'm feeling a bit guilty it was my own son that I tried this on, but my wife and I never laughed so hard. Of coarse my son laughed too. We taught him well. If you can't laugh at yourself, you can you laugh at?

I’m not sure when I first learned it, but I sure do know when I first perfected it. It was in high school with my good old buddies! The best was my friend Jason Brown.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Speed Street - Charlotte, NC

May 22, 2008 - Austin's 6th Birthday

Happy Birthday Austin! We love you!

Aunt Joyce sent Jennifer a piggy bank and a ballerina outfit so that she wouldn't feel left out. Thank you Aunt Joyce.

More Pic's - I
More Pic's - II

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Austin's Birthday Spirit Rock

Today’s is Austin’s Birthday. Mom and some neighborhood kids joined in and painted the Spirit Rock at Austin’s school. I drove him to school this morning and he was very excited. Let’s see what he tells mom when he gets picked up!

More Pic's - I
More Pic's - II

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Blast Fun Center Birthday Party Is A Big Hit!

30 kids attended Austin's 6th Birthday Party at Blast Fun Center. It was a lot of fun!

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

What a fabulous Mother's Day! David brought home Starbucks coffee and Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. There were flowers and plants every where. We went to Cheddars for lunch and had a fabulous hot fudge cake for dessert. Yum!!!

It is 5:00 p.m. now and we are under a tornado watch. There is a warning just to the West of us. Let's hope the severe weather skips us.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Broken Window While Playing Golf

Muffins For Mom

Today was Muffins For Mom day at Austin's school. Mom took Austin to school and they enjoyed muffins and juice together. Austin gave mom a beautiful Mother's Day book filled with art work that Austin created. They were pictures of all the things that mom does for him. It is beautiful! Thank you Austin. And, thank you Mrs. Helms and Mrs. Pierce for the muffins and juice.

Austin Lost Another Tooth

Austin lost his top, right tooth yesterday. His teacher put it in a ziplock bag and he brought it home to put under his pillow.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Jenni's Boo Boo

Jennifer fell on the sidewalk today while running with the boys. She got herself quite a boo boo!!

Dragons Vs Tigers

Austin played his second t-ball game last night. The Dragons were playing the Tigers. Austin hit a home run! Way to go Austin! During the last inning, Austin was the pitcher. It was a very good game.