Shaw Family Diary

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Austin's Birthday - May 22

Austin had to go to school on his birthday. He brought frosted sugar cookies to school to celebrate with his classmates.

While Austin was at school mom and dad stung balloons up on the mailbox and hung a banner over the front door that said "Happy Birthday Austin". When Austin got home he noticed all the decorations and said "that is Awesome!"

After school mom took Austin and Jennifer to Target to get some new pajamas and look at the toys.

When Sariah got home, we all went to Cheddars for Austin's birthday dinner. After dinner the waitress brought Austin a strawberry sundae and wished him a happy birthday.

When we got home Austin opened his birthday presents. There were a ton of them! Jennifer liked standing on the box of the biggest gift and then jumping off. Austin got L-Max games, computer software, clothing, spiderman toys, Cars the movie toys, a snow cone maker, a soccer ball, and an electronic bowling game. Of course Grandma Wolfe and Aunt Joyce sent Jennifer "unbirthday" presents so that she did not feel left out. So, Jennifer got two new outfits.

To finish the evening, Austin got to watch the movie Barn Yard in his room before he went to bed.


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