Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

Shaw Family Photo Page Shaw Family Video Page See Ya Love Ya page

Friday, December 28, 2007

Krissy's Tinker Bell Brithday!

December 27th

Yes, we had decorated the whole house with Tinker Bell – one of Krissy’s favorite characters. She was so surprised. We had Happy Birthday balloons outside, Tinker Bell banners, beautiful cake, and fairies all over. Mom opened a few gifts. She got a couple pairs of Skeckers, a down pink coat, and cards.

Shaw Christmas - 2007

December 25th

What a wonderful day!

We, well Austin mostly, had marked each day on the calendar till Christmas. The kids learn about the meaning of Christmas and the gift of giving. We are really surprised how well they understand. We are so blessed with wonderful children.

Sariah joined us this year as well from Florida. We arraigned for her to be here between December 22nd through January 2nd. Yes, I know, she will miss my birthday again. I think she is trying to tell me something.

I’m not sure who was up first Austin or Sariah but they both were after Mom and I. We were gitty with excitement. I do know Jenni was the last to get up. She was so peaceful in her bed until I snap a photo of her. As soon as the camera flashed, she said, “Up?” Of course I say. We all ran down stairs to see what Santa had brought us. It was great! The kids were all ecstatic! We had a very joyful time!

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Anthropology Jenni

Jenni and I visit Anthropology. We did a little Christmas shopping. We got the family some great candles and mom and nice, light shirt. SShhhh, don't tell anyone.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Princess Jenni

Princess Jenni being chauffeured after a great photo shoot!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Shaw Christmas List and Elfed fun!

While mom and dad wish for world peace, love, harmony, and a Disney Cruise, the kids had a few Christmas items they'd like to communicate to Santa!



Family picture:

Click here to watch us live!
(If you get a blue screen, no picture, download the flahsplayer)

And a few more Elfed:

Volz Wedding
Kids 1
Work 1
Work 2
SFO Trip
Friends at Bank Of America 600
Blaze, Our Cat


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hello Mom!

Wow, what a long day. I got up, or stayed up for no reason the last couple of nights, channel surfing. What a viscous cycle, little bit of this show, that show, and the another. Ugh. I miss you. I as looking through our photo albums. You are so good looking, so hot! Why would you ever be with me. I plan to ride it while those blinders are on.

Austin got to school just fine! Having to be dressed up for the morning 50 degree weather only to strip down to shorts in an hour as the day runs up to 80. Wow. So Jenni and I played outside a bit.

We have just a few more updates!

We love you!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Jenni starts shopping

Jenni and I went shopping today. we got new rings, a first, and a new hair bret (sp). Anyhow, hope you can see it! We love you mom!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Hi Mom

Mom is in Orlando for some training and us kids are taking care of ourselves. We love you mom and wish you to enjoy the pictures!! Yes, we updatd the blog and photos!!! Ooooo, a video too!

Hope you are having a good night. Have fun at Downtown Disney. That is awesome! Don't for get to have a few drinks for Dad. :)

We miss you!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Jenni The Magic Puff Girl

Jenni watching Austin off to school on the school bus. Her and Austin always exchange hugs and kisses before he boards the bus. Great children!!! We later went to our favorite morning spot, Chik-fil-a.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Now That Is A Storybook

Jenni and I did a little play while mom and Austin watched the Lipizzaner Stallions at Bobcats Arena. Jenni and I made the first 10 minutes of the show, but that was about enough for Jenni. So we opted tohead over to ImaginOn.