Shaw Family Diary

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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Family Golf!

We had a great time Saturday at the Paradise Valley PAR 3 course. It was an awesome event. This was a perfect time for Austin to use his clubs he got from Uncle Ralph and Aunt Gail. He was very excited. Everyone played!!! We even had kid clubs for Jenni.

Jenni mostly liked riding in the cart. She like it so much so that she rushed us along so we could drive more in the cart. Too funny. Plus, she was a great ball fetcher too!

Austin did great for his first time at a golf course. And this course was very tough. Water is the hazard of choice. And let me tell you, there was plenty of it. We came prepared with a large bag of balls from Wal-Mart. Hey, 40+ potentially water log balls for $20. I'm in!

Mom did great as well. She has really perfected her trade mark spin on the follow through. She is so classic and most endearing with that elegant leg lifting spin. What a delight to watch.

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