Shaw Family Diary

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Monday, August 17, 2009

Dad's fractured Tibia

Ok, so I had a mild pain in the back of my left knee. I'm sure it was from the fall in May when I twisted my ankle. Oh, I didn't mention that here? Well, it wasn't fun. I had stumbled down some stairs and twisted my left ankle really good. I had actually contemplated getting an ambulance. However, my pride is much stronger than that, or stupidity. Not sure which one it is. :) Long story short, I had a walking brace around the ankle for about a month.

Anyhow, back to recent knee pain. It would only hurt after some normal walking. But taking long strides didn't hurt at all. Now my medical wisdom was stretched to the end and I had to make an appointment. My physician couldn’t pin point it, but rationalized that it might be the cartilage; compressed or torn to some degree. So he ordered and MRI. No stranger to MRI’s, I planned for ear plugs and a nap. The MRI tuned up a factor on the tibia. Nice. So far it is healing great. I’ve got another appointment next month to review. We shall see how this goes.


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