Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Good Breakfast, Early School Bus: UGH!

The day started great. I was able to get up just before 5 and catch my wife before she left for work. We shared a nice breakfast, long hug, and a perfect kiss under the moonlight. This isn't a fairtale. I get to live this every morning. Yea!

After my wife left, I did a few items for work items and got ready for my son. We decided to make some pancakes! Cool! He cracked the egg, poured the batter, and mixed it all. We cooked them and served them to each other. Poured a little syrup on them in that cool circle fashion. We enjoyed them so much we almost didn't hear the bus rolling down the street. We had to rush to get ready; shoes, jacket, and backpack. Of coarse it was raining out today and the bus didn't make its usually uturn at the end of the street. So the pressure was on for my poor boy. We made without issue. But I emailed the teacher just in case he forgot something.

And, we start the Shaw day!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Austin's Great Report Card

Austin has done a great job this year in school. We celebrted by taking him to his choice of dinner. He chose Buffalo Wings and Rings!

See Mom, he did great!

Sign You Need To Pray At Work

Yes, I'll pray for me too as I posed this and I knew all the bleeped out work.

Enjoy your Friday!

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Go Steelers

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Sleeping with the Grossology!

Austin and I had a scout trip to, Spending the Night at the Museum!

This is a great trip. We enjoyed our time. We arrived at 6pm and spent the till 10:30 with the place to ourselves, and the rest of the 40 + scouts. Very cool time. Austin even dissected a cast, Owl Pellet - vomit. They usually consist of things that have not been digested, like bones of previous prey. So, to get rid of them, the un-digested 'stuff' kind of squishes together to form a ball-like figure, otherwise known as a Pellet. They upchuck the pellet, and spit it out. Oooo, Austin was grossed out.

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