Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

Shaw Family Photo Page Shaw Family Video Page See Ya Love Ya page

Saturday, December 31, 2011

WDW: Is there a rest stop along the highway of fun?!?

What a huge day we are having. The kids are so excited. We have been all over Magic Kingdom. We surely left our mark on the place! Let's get back to Nick for some pool and rest before Magic Kingdom New Years!!! This has to be the best, last minute trip we have planned. The totals are in. We did 4 nights at Nickelodeon Resorts (including New Years Eve), Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Downtown Disney, and all the rides we could handle on the inexpensive side. What a very wonderful time we had!

Please enjoy the photos and videos!

And our pic's and vid'are in!
WDW 2011 pics

WDW 2011 vids

Friday, December 30, 2011

Downtown Disney - T'REX!

Wow, what a great place to eat! A nice spin on Rainforest Cafe. The place looks awesome. We are sitting near the Kitchen of Fire. We had one wild moment when the place got dark and all the animals went crazy. Oh, the dessert surprise for Jenni was fantastic!

Our waitress, Diana, is great. She is just awesome.

And our pic's are in!
WDW 2011

WDW: Shaw's are here!!!

And our pic's are in!
WDW 2011

White Doves

Austin and I came across this group of white doves. There must have been 7. Not something you see everyday.

Krissy's Birthday!

Oh, yes. The kids got mom roped into a birthday song at On The Border. She specifically picked this place because she's never seen them do birthdays. I have never seen it either. But, here we see they do sing! Well, Jenni made sure all the staff members knew. And they put on a show!

WDW: The Ride

Ok, so we are making our grand tour to WDW and I've seen some interesting vehicles, like the Mercedes van earlier. But nothing prepared me for this awesomeness. Check out this moving house with attached garage. Wow, what a beauty. That's the type of traveling I'm looking forward to in my future!

Well, I think we just crossed the border to FL. We had to switch drivers. After a big Crackle Barrel breakfast, I'm tired. :)

Really, Mercedes Van - at a Starbucks?!?

We saw this on our way to WDW!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Great Christmas Eve Pickle Hunt

The kids were all geared up for the hunt. After some searching, Austin came up with the pickle. He gets the pickle present. He shared the moment with Jenni.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Meals on Wheels

Got an invite from a friend to tag along. So the Austin, Jenni and I are headed to Monroe to pick up some meals. This will be a great experience for the kids - and I! We can't do the whole day, but we'll do what we can. Let me see if I can capture it in this blog.

We stopped at CVS to get some candy to pass on for Christmas. Picked up our meals and heading out. There are some Secret Santa. Gifts to hand out in addition to meals. We weren't able to see all the great people. But we have plans for more runs. What a great feeling we all have. The kids want to do this everyday. The kids loved handing it out and being close to those that need help.

Wow, what a massive area to cover. Great rolling hills. Good bike ride.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

God works in His own time: Water leaks

Wow, we had a fun surprise. Every morning or two Kris and I would hear a hissing sound in our dining room, behind the wall. It was wild . It would hiss and then stop within 30 minutes. As we thought about it, it was after my wife takes her sauna, hot as the sun, showers. Our builder stopped by the morning I emailed him, yesterday. With one word, he said water. I was shocked because I did not see any water pooling up. He mentioned that the hot water tank line ran behind that part of the wall. The chair railing that was added might have punctured the line. At first there is no issue as the water hose absorbs the nail. But as the nail rusts, the hole is left and the pressure pushes little pieces out. Then the hissing starts after the pressure is ramped up. Well, he was right. As he pulled the drywall back, bingo - hole with water. 10 minutes of plumber work and we are all fixed.

Not so fast. As the drywall repair guy stopped by today, he found another link in the cold water side. I was uptown at the time. I left my wife thinking a quick, simple repair was going to be done. Yea. That did not happen. She nicely sent me the picture below of the new leak and huge hole in the wall, which was now going to get bigger. My stomach turns thinking of all this work and how my wife is going to take it. Kris was awesome! It is what it is. And she is right.

I had several minutes to chat with everyone involved in the repair. I was surprised how everyone was so willing to help us. They felt bad for us that this had happened. I felt bad that the were working for us during the Christmas holidays. We all had great conversations and left in great moods!

Score, God's love!

CFA fun! A little slap happy

I had a few kids today to shake some fun into. We had a blast at Chick-fil-a. Then we took the fun home for a bit. On the way home we stopped by the Foxhole. A little sight seeing. :)

The dream team

My tongue is cold

Ice cream boys

Some slap happy

Taking the fun train to CFA. 3 families, 5 kids and a dad. Let the good times roll!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

WWDC 2nd Annual Turkey Fry!

What a fun day! We jumped into a full turkey fry day! Kris and Sariah baked all day, gifts for our neighbors.

Icing 101!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Peppermint Mocha Hot Chocolate!

Mailing our letters to Santa!

My Dearest Love -

As I reflect on our 10 years, I would have never imaged my life being this great, so full, so wonderful, so surreal. You have made me so happy, so many times over the years. I am not sure what love is to everyone, but with you I have learned a deeper, mature love full of beauty, charisma, and trust. A love now that I could not live without. I'm in a new territory of life. One that now requires miracles of the heart, a touch from God.

We have two wonderful children together, Austin and Jennifer. Through you, they have been a large blessing to me. With all the years of punishment on my body; broken bones and aching shoulder, the children have sparked a physical fire in me that I thought had been lost. I love how you share your love with them each and every day. The way you play with them, running around playing tag over the years. I believe you must have played more tag than a soccer player runs in a lifetime. Watching you fills my heart with joy!

We have traveled all over enjoying this great world of ours. But, the best of all places is when your arms are wrapped around me.

With your guidance, the Lord has become the center piece of our lives and home. Thank you so much for helping me strengthen my relationship with the Lord; encouraging me, guiding me, and interpreting with me. In all these, I am grateful for my savior Jesus Christ. For He has opened my eyes, my ears, and my heart to a new level of love, beauty, and forgiveness.

With the Lord front and center in our lives, I looking forward, happily, to the rest of our lives together. We are just scratching the surface today. With this fuel of new found love, we will embark on a great, loving journey together! I LOVE you with all my heart Kristine.


Your Knight,


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Austin's SRES party!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Santa Kitty

Cats can really sleep hard. Here's our, snoring!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

We love our neighbors, go Balthazar! We just received sweet gifts from our neighbors. Please, salivate over the picture and let me know which ones I should choose in your name. Better yet, come over and share these gifts and the Word with us!

Waxhaw Parade Day. Go Pack 20!

Today was Waxhaw's town parade. Sure is good to be in a small town where we can still appreciate such events. the Troop was picked to walk in the parade this year. Cold? Yes, it was low 40's and seemed to dip quick near the end. All scouts were given candy to pass out. That candy was gone in the first half of the parade. It was great to see the kids walking over and handing candy out to other kids. What a great pack!

The assemble

Leader of the pack...