Shaw Family Diary

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Austin: Causing me introspect!

As I lay hear on Austin's bed watching him do homework, I'm astonished that he is typing up a paper. To think what I was doing in 4th grade, it wasn't typing. So, to see him typing a report on the computer is awesome. I did not envision this when I was in school, and I love electronics. I do take some satisfaction that we started him early on a computer. Ever since he could walk, Austin would beat the keys on an old IBM 600 laptop. He has been the quickest in his class to accept the computer and use it effectively and not just for games. However, I'd be wrong to say he doesn't play any games. He is quite good at them.

The paper? The paper is about the Pittsburgh Steeler's. This is surely credit I do take. I am a huge Steeler's fan. And have converted many in my family to love the sport. They aren't near my enthusiasm, but we are on the same field now. :) I'm excited to see my son take an interest in sports, especially a team I like. But, the fact he is using a computer for his presentation is more exciting than my love for the game. He is already thinking of where the pictures are going to go and what the cover page will look like. Wow, I'm impressed!

The Paper:


Anonymous Grandma M and R said...

WOW Austin!!! That is unbelievable! I'm so proud of you. Hard to believe you can do all of that.

January 28, 2012 2:18 AM  
Anonymous Grandma M and R said...

WOW Austin!!! That is unbelievable! I'm so proud of you. Hard to believe you can do all of that.

January 28, 2012 2:19 AM  

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