Shaw Family Diary

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Myrtle Beach: Scouts Day!

Having a scout day @ Myrtle Beach Ripely's Aquarium!

Doing a scavenger hunt! The kids moved around in pairs finding items like what fish puffs up. Got a lesson in shark attacks and had art time! The kids are great. Stayed in pairs with their buddies. Even Jenni pair up with another scouts sibling. Kids are growing!

2320est: It is night time. Walking around the tunnel looking for our perfect spot. Found it. Our view is of a neat school of fish. Must be 50 or so with a large iron cage. Very cool looking. This is like the coolest fish bowl view ever! Getting out sleeping bags out and ready for some much needed shut eye.

0530est: Oh boy, do we have some serious log cutters at night! I'm dumbfounded how these people get any sleep. They must sleep in different rooms then their spouse @ home. :) Kids and most everyone else is sleeping. I had to break the seal. Since we have an hour till revelry, I'll stay up and read some Romans.

0700est: Breakfast! Cheerios for Dad, Lucky Charms for Jenni, Strawberry natrigran for Austin, donuts for all!!!


Anonymous Grandma M and R said...

WOW, we didn't even know you all were even going to the beach. You get to have all the fun. Just think, if we lived back there with you all, you would have to have a bus to get us all from one point to another. Wouln't that be fun?
Have fun and we wish we were with you all. We love you. xoxoxoxoxoxo

May 27, 2012 1:39 PM  

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