Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Monday, July 23, 2012

NY Baby!

We are having a blast! At the last minute, we ran this trip to success. And, it's not over! While I wanted to drive straight through with this new found news, Krissy wanted to spend the night in Heresy, PA. Wow, that was a GREAT choice! We. Had so much fun @ Chocolate World, Heresy Museum, and the whole town, we had to spend the night!

We arrived in NY about noon. Our first stop? A surprise visit to Grandma/Grandpa Wolfe. They were outside doing yard work. :) Grandpa just finish mowing and Grandma was tending to one of many gardens they have. It was great to see their faces light up with joy. The kids adored them and played with them all day. The kids even eat rhubarb. Wow, grandparent power I guess. That stuff was bitter!

Then it was off to visit Aunt Joyce and Uncle David. Boy were the kids excited. Aunt joyce walked them to a play ground. They played all day. Jenni was so excited, she asked and got permission to spend the night. Her first sleep over! I can't think of a better time to start!


Anonymous Grandma M and R said...

Well its about time you all surfaced. We thought maybe you were ignoring us who are hooked on this blog thing. Looks like the kids are having a great time and doing well. We love you all and be very careful on your way home.

July 23, 2012 9:15 AM  

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