Shaw Family Diary

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Austin's Dream Log: Danger Dream

Today I had a dream that I was with my class mates at a park. There was horses out in the wild. We were doing are thing and the horses were doing there thing. Then the horses started to attack us. We climed up the playground and made some weird noses. Then they all stoped. I do not know why. So I said"keep doing it". So they keep on doing it.
Then people took down the playground and they helped me down. Then they were taking us some where. Then they said they got rid of the disease. I said"from the horses"? They said no. Then my dad went to look at the disease. Then I saw a house in the sky. Then I tuck off my glasses. But I had know idea. I must have because I know in my dream where it is. So I took them of and saw red eyes. Then I shouted dad watch out. But it was to late. I tried to save him but the person with red eyes looked at me. Witch is not good. So he looked at me and ran away. Then I woke up.
See Ya Later,
AR Shaw

DR Shaw


Anonymous Ralph said...

OK Not sure what to say about that. Lets hope there are no more dreams like that ever again.

October 17, 2012 12:35 PM  

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