Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Friday, January 25, 2013

So, my wife makes a crack at the local school office about adverse weather Friday afternoon and that kids should leave early. To her surprise the principle heard her and agreed! "UCPS - Early Release - Friday, January 25, 2013."

Best Regards,

David R. Shaw

Date: 24 Jan 2013 14:39:03 -0800
To: <>
Subject: Early Release - Friday, January 25, 2013

Good evening, this is Rob Jackson, UCPS Community Relations and Communications Liaison calling with information about tomorrow, Friday, January 25, 2013.

The National Weather Service is calling for a freezing rain with the possibility of ice accumulation for Friday afternoon. In an effort to safeguard our students, parents, and staff, our Superintendent, Dr. Mary Ellis, has called for an Early Release Day for tomorrow, Friday, January 25, 2013.

This will be the first Early Release Day in UCPS since December, 2002. To assist with parent and school planning, the school system will follow its Early Release Schedule. The Early Release Schedule is available on the UCPS website, all school websites, the UCPS Facebook page, and all school Facebook pages. (It is also linked below.)

Due to weather concerns, all school events and meetings, including athletics, are cancelled for Friday night.  The Afterschool Program will also be closed. Parents whose children typically attend Afterschool will need to make alternative arrangements for their children. If your child typically attends the Afterschool Program, it is imperative that you let the school know how your child will go home tomorrow.

School system staff will continue to monitor weather conditions. If any changes are made to tomorrow’s schedule based on worsening conditions, you will be notified as quickly as possible.

Again, it has been some time since we have experienced inclement weather that caused an early release. In making a decision about potentially closing schools our Superintendent, Dr. Mary Ellis, will always err on the side of protecting and maintaining the safety of students and staff.

Please be reminded that all inclement weather closing, early release, or delay announcements are immediately posted on the UCPS website and on all school websites. Notifications are also posted on the UCPS Facebook page and on all school Facebook Pages. Announcements are also made through local television and radio stations.

In order to be notified, it is essential that parents keep emergency contact information updated at their child’s school. This information includes home and emergency phone numbers and a valid email address.

To ensure the quickest notification, visit the UCPS Facebook page, and “like” the page. News stories and weather announcements from UCPS will now appear directly in your Facebook newsfeed.

Again, tomorrow, Friday, January 25, 2013 will be an Early Release Day due to projected inclement weather. Schools will follow the Early Release Schedules. These schedules are available on the school system’s Facebook page and website. All Friday night events, including the Afterschool program and athletic practices and games are cancelled.

Have a great night!


Early Release Schedule:

Rob Jackson

Community Relations and Communications Liaison

2011-2012 Wells Fargo North Carolina State Principal of the Year

Union County Public Schools

400 North Church Street

Monroe, NC 28112

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Anonymous Grandma M and R said...

OOOOOOPS, What happened to the "nice 54 degree weather"? Our schools did't let out early. I know, its the first Early Release in 10 years. Anyway, stay safe and know we love you all......

January 25, 2013 1:59 PM  

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