Shaw Family Diary

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bike: Love, Pain, Joy, Ugh!

Bike: battery won't charge. Trickle charge for 3 days. Still won't crank. Pull battery, no fluid in 3.5 cells. Fill with water. Trickle charge for two days. Smell acid and hear bubbles. Promising. Tried to crank, slow turnover. Jump with car. Several seconds later LIFE! Full choke for a few minutes as the jugs warm up from hibernation. Took a spin and enjoyed the air running threw my long locks. Eye tearing up for the joy the lays before me. Oh the love of freedom. Pull into garage and shut her down. Nice crackle as she cools off. Thought, "Hey, let's give her a crank. " she took a breathe and stopped. Dead. Ugh. New battery need. Wal-Mart, here I come.

DR Shaw


Anonymous Ralph said...

OK, heres some step daddy advice. Buy a sealed gel-cell battery. That way you don't have to monitor the acid levels of the cells. When your old battery got low on acid the plates started to sulfate because of the lack of fluid. A gel-cell won't do that due to being sealed. Now you also need to go to Sears and buy a Battery Charger Maintainer. It comes with several different adapters, one of which attaches to the positive and negitive terminal on the battery. That adapter has a two prong male female adapter that plugs into the two prong male female power cord from the charger. You can leave this plugged together and charging when the bike is parked. The charger will keep the battery fully charged and ready to fly any time you want it. It will keep the battery usable for four or five years at least. And with no maintence. Well now thats my best advice and thats whats on our bike now and has been for quit some time... Good luck..:) Our love to all.

February 13, 2013 2:56 PM  

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