Shaw Family Diary

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Friday, May 03, 2013

Jenni's doctor's appointment

Jenni went to OrthoCarolina again today. They took her purple cast off, took x-rays, and put a pink cast on.

She was scared that the doctor was going to have to squeeze her wrist again and began to cry when they told her they would be putting on a new cast. He reassured her that it wouldn't hurt and it didn't.

As long as the bone continues to heal there will be no need for surgery. We go back on May 24 for more x-rays and to see how her wrist is healing. There is always a risk of surgery if the bone moves further out of alignment.


Anonymous Grandma & Grandpa said...

Don't be afraid, Mommy and Daddy won't let anybody hurt you...The doctor may have to do things he doesn't want to that may hurt a little, but nobody wants to hurt your wrist. Your so brave and we love you so much....xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

May 05, 2013 12:32 PM  

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