Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Bar So Low We're Playing Limbo!

Raise the FED pay! Hey, great. Raise the federal worker's minimum wage, across the nation equally because there is a surplus of money and each states cost of living is the same. Wait, we are still trillions in debt.

Where do we get the extra funds for that? Oh, we will nickel and dime the middle class. You know, the people "we" are here to help! With what? Oh, the MyRA plan. It is kewl. It is a Roth IRA that invests in junk bonds so China isn't the only one holding the bag. So, you pay tax right up front, right now. This will cover those cost, today. Yeah, win!,0,1409442.story#axzz2rnIeqdnh

Best Regards,
David R. Shaw


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