Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Shaw's Taking up Bicycling

We spend the day riding around, Day 2. We needed to beat the rain that is coming. We went to the fountains for a few and had an idea. Let's go to a greenway! Yeah!!!

We had to find the bike rack. The tricker part was how to configure it to take on 3 bikes. And, would it fail along the route. Who knows. Let's give it a shot, and we did! We made it to Marvin Elementary and road the blacktop around the school. It was fun. Part of it went through the woods and was twisty. Fun. We spent a good part of the time dodging the army paratrooper inch worms. They were everywhere. We stopped to look each other over. I must have had 4 or so on my. Jenni had a few as well. I think Austin was free of them.

We racked the bikes up and took a drive to another greenway on the border of Union and Mecklenburg counties. Jenni rode while Austin and I walked. We went about .25 miles in. There was a creek and bridge to cross. This is on our map for the next ride. On the walk back we stopped to catch the "helicopter" seed pods as they fell. It was fun. We must have ran in every direction as they change course.

Another blessed day from God! Thank you Lord for walking with us!

In Him,
David Shaw


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