Shaw Family Diary

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Friday, May 25, 2007

We Are Proud Of You Sariah

Sariah got an A on her Chinese Invention project in social studies. She had to select two Chinese inventions and combine them to create a new invention. Sariah combined the bomb and the printing woodblocks to create a new kids game. The concept is similar to a pinata. When the bomb is broken (explodes), the letters fall out and the kids pick them up to make words. The kid with the most words, or the kid who can identify the most letters, wins.

Sariah also had to do a monster baby project for science. She has not received her grade for that project yet.

She was also selected to join the J. M. Alexander honor choir for the 2007-2008 school year. She will represent the school at regional, state, and national competitions. Wow! Now that is talent!


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