Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

Shaw Family Photo Page Shaw Family Video Page See Ya Love Ya page

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Wake a Sleeping Baby?

Well, I wasn't sure what to do either. Here's the deal. I put Jenni down to sleep last night and like all parents, I'm sure, wanted to peek in on her just before I go to sleep. As I do, she looks so peaceful and the moment was so precious. Then, I got a whiff of something. Oh man. Does she need a diaper change? Oh wow. To wake or not to wake? I can't leave her like this till she wakes, nasty! Ok, I’ll check. Yes in deed, there is a diaper change in the very near future! So I toil over what to do here. I figure I’ve got to change her and I’ll just suck it up if she is unhappy. I pick her up and get her to the changing table, change her, and put her back to bed with her waking. How cool is that?!?

Friday, July 27, 2007

Trick gone bad

0730est - Poor Austin was trying to show me a trick this morning on his scooter. It didn't go like he planned. He fell and scrapped his knee. Dad tended to it was Neosporin and a few band-aids! It still hurts, but not as much. Dad gave Jenni some Neosporin too and a band-aid on her boo-boo. She's had one for some time, but Dad didn't want her to be jealous.

Every time Austin moans or says, "Ouch" Jenni chimes in with hers too. Pain by association I guess. I know it hurts Austin, but I can only giggle - ever so lightly.

Austin knows now why Mom and Dad harp on wearing the proper gear. He agrees to wear his knee and elbow pads next time. He is asking to wear longer pants before Mom comes home. He is embarrassed.

0820est - The day is going to be a bumpy one. Jenni just ran into the wall. She was getting a plate and a fork from her kitchen annd just didn't watch were she was going. Time will tell if the red spot turns into a bump. Wow. I just got over the black eye a few weeks ago that she go on my shift.

1100est - We just got home from driving my buddy to the body shop. The car was aweful. Oh, I don't think I talked about that. My buddy's wife was in a bad wreck. The car should be totaled. How do you make sense of this all? One day all is fine, the next a life is gone. And the aftermath. Nothing I want to think about or wish on my enemy. Hmm. Tough, tough, tough!

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The DQ Treat!

Oh the kids were good today. Mom and Dad had a lot of work to get done at home and the kids did really good. We are so proud of them. They are getting so big!!!

We haven't been to a DQ in sometime. We usually hit the local ma and pa ice cream shop near us.

We had a little rain today. It was a great day morning to night. The kids and I did lunch at Boardwalk Billy's for lunch. That was fun!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Our pub in Boston

Jetton Park

Dad's In Boston

Well, Dad left for Boston yesterday. We hope you are having fun.

Austin went to Vacation Bible School during the morning while Jennifer and I took some things to the Goodwill and did some grocery shopping.

After we picked Austin up, we all went to Chuck E Cheese. It was hot and humid here; so, it was much more comfortable to play inside.

After dinner we talked to dad on the phone. We sure miss him! We love you dad!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Jenni's First Black Eye

Boy is mom going to give me one too so we'll match.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Thursdays Photos

We played outside this morning. Then we went to Wal-Mart to get Caleb a birthday present. His birthday party is Saturday afternoon.

We had snow cones after lunch and then the kids played on the slip-n-slide.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wednesday's Photos



Family and Austin on his new pogo stick.

Monkey Joes

David or Jenni

More Photos

On the phone with dad.

Austin and Jenni.

Jenni ready fpr bed.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Photos for Dad

The kids are being good. They love each other.

They did the Oompa Loompa Dance! It was fun to watch. Wait until you see the video.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Friday, July 6, 2007

Austin lost his first tooth!!!!

He was pretending to be a dog and had a fake remote control in his mouth. Jennifer pulled the remote out and Austin's tooth became crooked. He told us about it and showed us the tooth. Then he went to the mirror and pulled it out.

He put the tooth under his pillow and the tooth fairy came and left him some money.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

4th of July

Happy 4th of July, Everyone!

More photos!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Trip to Kentucky

The Shaw family took a trip to Kentucky this past weekend. We left Saturday morning. We stopped to get gas and found ourselves 4 miles from Austinville off Highway 69. We took a picture of Austin in front of the sign.

When we got to Kentucky Saturday night, we stopped by Grandma and Grandpa Royer's house. We stayed for some dinner and then got a room at the nearby Best Western.

On Sunday morning we went over to Jason Brown's house to visit with him, Tammy, and their 7 year old son Justin. Austin and Justin hit it off great. They played video games, watched a movie, and rode their scooters up and down the sidewalk.

We grabbed some lunch at a nearby McDonalds. Grandma Melody and Grandpa Ralph met us there. From there we went to the Elk Lodge for Jason Brown's Welcome Home Party. It was a lot of fun. The kids played games and then went outside to ride their scooters some more.

After the party we headed back home. We stayed at another Best Western in West Virginia and then made it home Monday morning. It was a short vacation, but well worth it. We had a lot of fun catching up with family and friends.