Shaw Family Diary

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Friday, May 14, 2010

Out of Gas

Watching some high boys push their car because it ran out of gas. Funny how life comes full circle.

They came coasting by Jenni and I as we walked to the park. The driver finally came to a stop, but not after he attempted to start some 30 times. I'm not sure what he was thinking. Like all of the sudden, gas was going to magically appear in the tank. He gave up and his friend help push the Mitsubishi 3000 to the curb. Both were on cells getting help. Another kids did show up with friends. He dropped them of and left. Jenni and I played some more in the park. Then we heard some kids again. It was the boys pushing the car. I surely hope they aren’t making the 3 mile trek to the gas station. Perhaps I’m old school, but I would have thought getting gas brought to the car would have been much simpler.

Oh well, to be young and dump again - not!


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