Shaw Family Diary

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Friday, March 04, 2011

Jenni's New Bike!

The other day I found a good deal on craigslist. Jenni had out grown her 12" bike for some time now. She looked like a clown now. Austin went through the same phase. I found a bike for Jenni at little cost. It was more than half of what I could get at the cheapest discount store. Leary of the deal, I went the next day to the house to check it out. The bike looked great! It was working well and had all good parts, no scratches, no marks, and tires were good. A great fine. I spent a few minutes with a Clorox wipe when I got home and that was it. The bike was 5 years old, but looked brand new. WOW!

So, here are the pictures!

(Mom bring the bike out as hers)

(Jenni in shock of her cool new bike)

(Like a fish to water, she was off!)

Have fun Jenni!


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