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Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Entitlements Saga: Exempting exams something to be proud of?

In a recent discussion with a high school senior, I am told, with great enthusiasm, that they are "entitled" to skip exams because:
1. Few absences in class
2. Solid grades. Not good grades, but solid B-

I explain that the exemption is a loophole to the rule. And, that perhaps the studying and taking of the exam will help further their understanding.

Reasons given for exercising the exception:
1. Because it is a school rule.
2. I'm not going to take the exams

My questions:
1. Can this hurt your grade
A. I don't know, but not worse than I have now
2. So, you have an option to get a better grade and you're not taking advantage of that?
A. I won't so I'm not taking it. (Really?)

The rub came because I believe these to be mediocre reasons coupled with a total derailment of the understanding of entitlements. To say I was disappoint is an understatement.

When I explain my position of how they are missing an opportunity to grow and t, I meant with an emotional outburst. A diarrhea of false belief. Well, that sure is an adult response, or is that acceptable as well?

God, PLEASE bless America!


Anonymous Grandma M and R said...

When, may I ask did this "Entitlement" ever come into a high school students bag of tricks? I remember being entitled to breakfast, clean cloths and a way to get to school. From there on, the only thing I remember being entitled to was a failing grade and being grounded at home. As I recall, the "school rule" was, No final exam grade, no passing grade. The final exam grade is the cumulation of what you learned all year.
This senior better get with the program of proving what you did all year in class, because most of the college professors and teachers I remember base everything on your finals. So you best get used to it.

May 10, 2012 8:18 AM  

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