Shaw Family Diary

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Monday, July 02, 2012

The Ride: The Ditch

So, I'm reflecting on a great day in which I took a ditch run during a momentary lapse of judgment.

What Just Happened: To this day I'm not sure where it went wrong. I admit, I haven't given it much thought. I was riding 2nd. So that leaves me on the outside (3rd biker) lane. A place I've been several times. I'm savvy in commanding the bike I was riding. I've been riding this particular bike for 13 years, 30k+ miles. I know this bike and all its little nuances that would be too subtle for others to notice. This may be part of the problem, too comfortable. Before I new it, BAM - off the shallow shoulder and in the 5" ditch. The ditch was made by cars, most likely the mail carrier that so many times had drove through it to make way for other traffic. As went in, I was still upright and true. I remember keeping calm, keeping my feet on the highway bars, staying off the brake, and maintaining speed. I didn't want to disturb the delicate balancing act I was doing to keep myself from getting further off the path, deeper into the ditch, and/or putting the shiny side down - wrecking. I was just taking a 30 minute ride. I was to follow up with a 2 hour ride to the airport.

During the bouncing, rough handling, and many rocks I was trying to avoid, I hear my buddy exclaimed, "How are you doing?" With all I had going on, ramping up so quickly, a million thoughts, trying scenarios in my head, I had the chance, peace of mind, to response, "I'm working on it."

Exit: As I took my eye up the path for an exit strategy I noticed a slight roll left of the front tire, deeper into the ditch. I knew I couldn't just swing it over or power through it. I kept it steady and steered left, ever so lightly. I spied the exit just above. It was a shallow part, closer to the road. Mostly like the partial paving of a lane on a 2 lane highway. There is a large edge the front tire has to over come. Much like a bicycle coming up parallel to a curb and trying to negotiate up it. The front tire might plow out and down you go. I saw my chance. I took it. Pushing up the handle bar hard up the left side; pulling with my left, pushing with my right hand. The front tire made it. Now the rear just need to follow. It did, but not before a slight skid sideways. It was enough to let me remember who is boss.

Laughter: I spent the rest of the ride laughing. much the same way I do on all tough journeys I may have had. It's how I cope. It is the laughter the reminds me who really guides my life thank you Lord for allowing me to feel You in charge.


Anonymous Ralph said...

Been there-Done that. Didn't like it much either. I am glad the "force" was with you and that you reconize that you are never alone.

July 03, 2012 10:40 AM  

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