Shaw Family Diary

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Thursday, August 09, 2012

Cane Creek Fun: Hiking, Fishing, Playing!!!

We took a good 45 minute hike around part of the park. It was cool. We saw all kinds of things. We spotted two doe in the woods. We followed into the thick woods a few 100 yards. It was wild; trees down, thick under brush, spider webs, and the terrain was all over the place.

We hiked back and got our fishing gear. Yea! Austin was waiting for this moment the whole time! Just relaxing and enjoying the sun rise. The kids are moving from on great hoe to another. After and hour, Austin is still going strong combing the shore line. Jenni is sitting on my lap working on some sunflower seeds. :)

Jenni found a band of fishing line and fishing hooks that she fashioned into a head band. Can you see it?

DR Shaw


Anonymous Grandpa Ralph said...

Yep, looks fun to us. Did anybody catch anything, like a fish or something to eat for dinner? I'm sorry I can't see Jenni's head band. I think I see something sticking out to the side but we're just not sure. Love you all..:)

August 10, 2012 7:43 AM  

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