Shaw Family Diary

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Friday, August 03, 2012

Date Night: New Frontiers. Terrance Cafe - 5 thumbs down

Our movie, Beast of the Southern Wild, was different. We were @ an independent theater. It was a foreshadow for the evening; SLOW! Like a train wreck you just cannot stop from watching.

Our first pick of restaurants was too crowed. So we opted for the Terrance Cafe (d thumbs down). Not as quaint as you would think from the title. Nonetheless, we start with our order:

Wedding Cake Martini - Krissy's says it's pineappley
Fresh Berry Martini - tastes like children's medicine. Ugh

Bring on the Salmon. Not bad and, I'm killing the asparagus.
Dessert - nixed because service is SO slow. Ugh!
This place is WAY over priced for the service. Heck, I'm not sure I like anything. Oh, there was one thing - Krissy was delicious!

We had dessert @ our local place, Scoops! We had min chocolate chip and I ordered the new oatmeal. I like it! The night is turning!

But in the end, we have each other and that is @ the heart of our relationship!

Best Regards,

David R. Shaw


Anonymous Ralph said...

You can't hit it every time. But yes, you do have the best of all. Each other..............:):):)
15 more working days and guess who I get to keep at home with me all the time?????? Go ahead, Guess....

August 05, 2012 2:27 PM  

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