Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

JAARs Day: helicopter, boat, 4-wheeling!!!


And yes, they new I was coming with a sign like that on a stall door. :)

Oh, wow! The kids and mom really went on a helicopter ride! Jenni said it was the best roller coaster ever! Austin was very pumped and ready to go again!

We are in a mud rally right now @ JAARs. One of the trucks is stuck! We are trying to pull him out. So GLAD our days of old are gone. I'm still dry and mud free!

Having a little lunch here and rolling home. We've got more fun tonight after all!

DR Shaw


Anonymous Ralph said...

WOW, what fun you all are having..Chopper rides are great, but my last one was in a med-a-vac.:(..and I couldn't see much of anything.....

August 12, 2012 4:29 PM  

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