Shaw Family Diary

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Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Charlie - The Joyful Guard

I see Charlie every now and then at one of his many post around uptown.  Older gentleman, where is hair has retreated from his head but he sports a ghostly mustache.  Every time I pass, Charlie has something fun to say; a silly phrase, or a joyful good morning.  For me, I enjoy it.  The passing of each other is always amusing. 
Today, we struck up a conversation as I gave pause to some art work displayed in Founders Hall.  Charlie is an old army vet, 22 years with a 9 year break.  He has severed in Vietnam as special forces and later as an intelligence officer.  He tells me he is 196 days from retirement.  I look forward to seeing him retire.  While I would miss him, I know he would be moving on to what he loves to do.  He likes to do performing arts.  Spoke a little about Mooresville area.  If he can’t find one he will just start one.
Thank you Charlie for your kindness and service to our country.  God Bless you!


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