Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Friday, June 09, 2006

June 7, 2006

Well, I'm not sure this will post or not. It's really getting frustrating. I've submitted at least 4 post and some multiple times. The counter says I have 8, but damned if I can see them. I'm not very impressed thus far. I do have to admit, I did a cut/paste from Word the 2nd time, the 6th. The 5th, I did a cut/past from Yahoo mail to use its spell checker and it posted fine. The time before this post, I cut/pasted from notepad (how many control characters are in there) and it still won't list anything.

I sent an email to them. We'll see what happens. But in the mean time, I'll keep posting. Maybe, I'll save it locally just in case. How odd does that sound. But such is technical life.

SO, back to my life. My daughter Sariah is flying in 6/21. I know I bought the tickets. It beasts driving. Man, 600+ miles one way starts to rub you the wrong way. Ugh. ANYHOW, it should be great fun. She is a wonderful daughter and I can't wait to get her here and up to speed so I have less chores to do.


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