Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Saturday, August 19, 2006

Boys Out Camping

Well, Austin and I did do some camping this weekend. Yes sirie! The photos

We had great company and all. We were up at Uwharrie National Forest. It is about an hour and a half northeast of Charlotte. We packed up big ugly, my ’86 Suburban, with all kinds of stuff; folding chairs, sleeping bags, tents (I brought one of Austin’s too), grill, ropes, lighter, skewers (hotdogs and marshmallows), two flash lights, lantern, citronella pot, leatherman, pillows, three pairs of cloths, toiletries, first aid kit, frisbee, folding shovel, axe, hatchet, life jacket for Austin, and firewood all for one night! What the hell was I thinking! OVERKILL. Anyway, I was over prepared. But I wanted to make sure I covered all the bases. I wasn’t sure what Austin would like and how bored we might get. We headed up there around 1000est with another family, co-worker, in two cars. It got cool when we hit a dirt road. I haven’t done that in a long time. We found our location and set up camp.

Of coarse my tent was up in five minutes. Nice little 3-4 man tent. I’m not sure how they get those numbers. 3-4 skinny, scrawny men. But Austin and I did just fine in there. We caught some fish and Austin love messing around in the lake. That was cool for him. He is not a swimmer yet, but he took to the water great with the lifejacket on. It was cool. Then night came. The tent was on a crush rock area. I thought the indoor sleeping quilts my girls use would be just fine to lay on and they were. However, at 230lbs, every little rock came crushing through my fat butt. It was not cool. Now it was ten o’ clock at night and I wasn’t going to start the air mattress up. So I spent the rest of the night tossing and turning. I’m not really sure if I got any sleep. That really sucked. Next time, if there is one, I will get the damn air mattress out. I couldn’t believe I didn’t. Austin slept fine. He started on me first, then moved to his side.


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