Shaw Family Diary

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Open House

Today from 2 PM - 7 PM was open house at David Cox Elementary School. We took Austin to meet his kindergarten teacher Ms. Helms and his assitant teacher Ms. Pierce.

He was so excited! 2:00 couldn't get here soon enough. We met the assistant teacher. His lead teacher was at a doctor's appointment. The kids played in the classroom while mom filled out a bunch of paper work. There was so much to see. Austin liked the globe and a big sea shell that he could hold up to his ear and hear the ocean. He also liked the classroom hermit crab. Jenni like the dominos and a hot pink plastic egg that she found.

After visiting his kindergarten room, we took a tour of the school. We visited the computer lab, the media room, the music room, and the art room. There was a big, beautiful, circular window in the media center. Austin liked the canopy set up in front of the window.

It was a great experience. Austin can hardly wait for the first day of school!


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