Shaw Family Diary

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Jenni's Dance Recital - Yippy!

After a jam packed weekend full of baseball, sleepover, rehearsals, pool time, and bevies with neighbors, we jumped up and start it our Sunday with a spring in our step. Jenni's recital was today around noonish. Well, I was a bit slow out of the gate, but got rolling as the sun burned on. We all geared up for the all day dance recital, Jenni's first! It was great. She looked so great, all dressed up for a cheer dance session. Jenni attends Miller Street Studio’s. I must say, I was impressed with the day. Everyone, tots to young adults were great on stage. What a fun, fun time. After the session, Jenni was met flowers from mom! It was very memorable. Austin was proud of her too! We all rejoiced in her moment. You were great Jenni!

Later, we snag some dinner at Anger Ale's. We've never been there before. Now, we just beat the storm home so we can batten down the hatches!!!


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