Shaw Family Diary

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Missed Expectations?

So, there are times in life you let things go and other times you don’t. Well, this is one of those fence riding events for me. Thus, I’m posting here. I need to get it somewhere.

We’ve had a less than enthusiastic time with CHAMPS. It is not CHAMPS fault, just the program in which we are participating in. IMHO, while I welcome a "winning" attitude, I believe there are levels that should be demonstrate per age group. In other words, age appropriate level of enthusiasm toward "winning". No, this isn’t a Charlie Sheen discussion. Anyways, at a third grade level I expect "winning" to take a backseat to leadership development, sportsmanship, and meritocracy. With that said, there have been some parents that have expressed their concern(s) over the coaching of their children. Some items like; practice is too long, more water breaks, more child rotation, and too early on game days. I'm sure there may have been more. Just so we are clear, ‘expressing a concern’ is feedback in my book - a form of communication.

Well, one of the 15 year old coaches, who told us that he was eager to teach the youth football, posted this below on his FB BTW, which has over 500 friends. Which ones are true friends is another discussion. For anonymity, let’s use a boy's name, Robbie.

“now that all of the complainers are gone from the football team it is going to be much easier without there parents emails and calls every day”

Now, IMHO, this was unnecessary. So, I crafted this response:

Tyro Robbie –

I understand you are putting on big boy pants to coach a church league and help youths grow in the sport, but this post is unnecessary and damaging to your reputation as a leader. I hope this is not dinner table discussion at your house, or I will be sorely disappointed. I look forward to your public explanation by our next meeting.

I crafted a response, I have not posted it. Well, expect for here.


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