Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Friday, June 09, 2006

June 8, 2006

Today was fast and slow. Kris and Austin got ready to head out to Summer Camp. I had an appointment today at 1100 and couldn't make it. It was for the better. I just don't have what it takes to sit around and not be productive. Ok, productive like I want to me. So I stayed home. Not a bad thing. I had plenty of time to myself and I was all alone. So I cranked up the radio and did house work. I was able to mop the kitchen and the hardwoods, do the dishes, and fix a few odds and ends around the house before 1100. Of coarse as the time got closer, the more I was behind. What to wear and what not.

I met Mom and Austin at home around 1430est. They had just got in from playing outside. It was starting to rain. I got in just in time as well. It poured when I walked into the house. However, that was short-lived before the sun jumped back out. I was hoping for a little more rain. I was trying to avoid watering. I think I did for today. I'll have to check the forecast, which is a crap shoot anyway, before the sun comes up. I believe in watering well before the sun comes up and not while it is out.

Austin was very sketchy describing his day at summer camp. I have to draw it out of him in a fun way. But I think for the most part, he has just forgotten. It was nearly 4 hours after he was there when I asked. So I can't blame him. He still likes it. He looks forward to it every day.

We got flight tickets for Sariah to join us for a month starting June 21st. This ought to be fun. I sent her an email of the itinerary. And she replied back today that she got it and is looking forward to the trip, as she does every year. (Something pretty cool about your kids emailing you)


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