Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Monday, July 03, 2006

Mondays Events

Jenny's Dr. Appt.
Today Jennifer went to the doctors for her 6 month wellness check-up. She weighs 20 lbs 3 oz (97%), she is 26.25 inches long (75%), and her head circumference is 42.5 cm (50%). She had to have 3 shots. She is starting to eat rice cereal now. She loves it. I think she would eat a steak, if we offered it to her.

I checked Austin's baby book when we got home and noticed that Austin also weighed 20 lbs 3 oz when he was 6 months old.

Chuck E Cheese
After her doctor's appointment we all went to Chuck E. Cheese for some play time and some pizza for lunch. We had so much fun collecting tickets. Our goal was to obtain more than the 475 tickets we got the last time we were there. Sariah and Krissy found a new game that would give you 60 tickets if the token fell in the right slot. Sariah won a couple of times and so did Krissy. When all of our tokens were gone, we had 704 tickets!

Dad's Dr. Appt.
Later in the afternoon it was time for David to go to his doctor's appointment to see an Orthopedic Specialist, Dr. D'Alessandro. We brought his MRI photos with us and sure enough the doctor said that he needs to have surgery. He has a tear in his rotator cuff along with some fluid building up in the rotator cuff. Plus, he suspects a Labral tear as well. This would account for the crippling sharp pains. The doctor is going to call back with a date for surgery. He did inform us that he is already booked up through the beginning of August, so the earliest surgery would be scheduled for late August. It looks like Krissy will be learning some physical therapy.

Play time
After the entire day’s events were done, it was off to the movies! The kids where really good and we are set off to play. We went to the Northlake’s AMC to pick a flick. It was up in the air between Superman and Cars. It was such a toss up; we made up our minds when the ticket person asked us what movie. The kids picked CARS! That was $20 for us three. Then we had some popcorn, $5.50 and a large Coke, $4. Both were allowed a free refill. So that was the only bonus! Now to the movie. I'll tell you what, it was awesome. The animations of these movies are really good. Yes the voiceover are key, but from the concept to the execution of this animated movie was just awesome. Maybe I haven't seen my fair share to have an industry rating, but this is awesome for me! The kids loved it too. Austin likes Lightning McQueen, Sariah likes Mater, and I like Doc Hudson.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're the best! Great photos and stories!

July 03, 2006 9:00 PM  

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