Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Thursday, June 29, 2006


We dropped dad off at work this morning. He looked especially handsome in his business casual attire! Then we took Austin to his Magic Carpet Ride Summer Camp. After that, all of us girls went to the post office and shopping. We cannot mention what we bought because it is a surprise...sorry dad :)

After we picked Austin up from camp, mom and the kids all went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch. We all got a free sample of their new cookies and cream milkshakes...Delicious! Sariah and Austin had fun playing hide and seek in the playground while mom and Jennifer watched from the booth window.

It is going to be another long day at work for dad. We miss you, Honey! Hopefully, you will have some fun, even though you are working hard. We love you very much and we look forward to the weekend so that you can join us on our adventures.


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