Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Sunday, June 25, 2006

Found my feet

The past few days, Jenny has been very cute in the morning. Ok, for me she has. I'm sure mom may think otherwise at times, but for the last week I've been getting up early to start my work day. I am lucky enough to hear Jenny get up and actually play by herself each morning. We just stare at each other as I take off the blanket that mother had so neatly tucked her in with. I usually run my hand from her head down to her feet. It is really cute. I hear a few giggles, some tossing and turning, and a few cooings. So I try to get up stairs as quickly as possible not only to enjoy it, but to head off further disruption. I don't want the cute sounds I love to turn in to louder cries for attention. Then mom is awake, again, before she gets her restless 4 hours of sleep per baby trip. So I hurry!!! This time, she kicked her feet up in the air! I've caught Jenny two days in a row now playing with her feet in the air. It is the coolest thing! I really do enjoy being a father. You can tell by looking into her eyes she is learn each moment and takes in everything she can. And, in that great pursue to absorb the world around her, I believe this is the very reason it is so hard for her to sleep. She is too afraid to miss something. How can I blame her? I live life one day at a time too, thoughtful and thankful for the day I had.


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