Shaw Family Diary

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Austin's First Day At PreSchool

Today was Austin's first day at preschool. He is going to school at the University City United Methodist Church. His lead teacher is Ms. Shannon and the assistant teacher is Ms. Mary. There are 14 kids in his class.

He couldn't wait to get to school. He brought his Dale Jr. lunch box and his blue bear for show and tell. He had to bring something to school that was his favorite color. He said his favorite color was blue, so he wanted to bring blue bear.

When we picked him up at 1:00 he was all smiles. He said he really liked school and that he had a lot of fun. He said that he did a puzzel, the teacher read them a book, and that they sang songs. He also said that there was a pretty girl in his class that is tall like him, but he couldn't remember her name.

He cannot wait to go back to school on Thursday. His scheduled school days are Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9:00 to 1:00.

We are so proud of him.


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