Shaw Family Diary

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

September 12, 2006

Austin was excited about going to preschool today. Every Tuesday is his show and tell day. This week's topic was to bring a photo or an object representing something that you did this summer. Austin picked bowling photos. We stuck 6 photos on some poster board and he proudly took them to school.

When we picked Austin up from school he told us that he went to a new class room. The music room. They sang, danced, and played drums in music class.

We also noticed that Austin had a scratch on his nose. He said that a little boy scratched him on the playground. He said it was an accident.

Tuesday night is "kids night" at Chick-fil-A, so we went there for dinner. They had a clown blowing up balloons and twisting them into animals and other objects. Austin politely asked for a sword. We didn't get Jennifer a balloon since she would put it in her mouth and bite it. Jennifer was happy just watching the clown and all the balloons. One popped and she got spooked, but she didn't cry.


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