Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

This Week At Preschool

Austin had a fire truck come to his school Tuesday morning. He received an activity book and a Junior Firefighter badge from the firemen. The firemen put on their masks and told the children "don't hide, go outside". Austin repeated this phrase all day long.

Thursday was Austin's first day at Chapel. The children learned the "Creation Story". At the end of chapel they each received a Bible Thought. The first one was "God Created Everything".

On Friday Austin's class began preparing to write letters. They learned a song about starting at the top when writting letters. They played with Mat Man and then drew what Mat Man looked like. Austin also practiced cutting paper with scissors. The teacher gave us the pieces of paper in a ziplock bag. Austin also made some artwork out of a paper plate. He obviously had a busy day.

When we picked him up from school on Friday, mom told him that we had a Mat Man at home that Aunt Joyce had sent him. He couldn't wait to get home to play with it. We also called Aunt Joyce to thank her for Mat Man. Aunt Joyce is a kindergarten teacher in central New York. They use the handwritting without tears method as well. So, she knows all of the things Austin needs to learn how to write.


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