Shaw Family Diary

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Monday, September 18, 2006

LMS Auto show, Racing, Panthers suck, again.

We started out just getting some breakfast and planned to do some grocery shopping. Some how we ended up over at Lowes Motor Speedway for the auto show. I heard about it on the radio. It was huge. I couldn't believe so many cars and vendors were there. It must have been a record breaking attendance day. You name it, the car was there.

All were represented, from the 1950 woodies to Lightning McQueen from the movie Cars. Austin's favorites were the tractors. He just loved them all. I was amazed at the restoration jobs. We saw many 1930-1950 tractors that looked factory new. It was amazing.

Oh, can you believe those football games. WOW! Panthers suck up another loss. I blame 80% on that to Gamble. What an idiot! Attempt to do a trick play, which I'm sure he never practiced, in the 4th quarter of a tight game they were winning with less than 8 minutes to go. That turnover allowed the game to be tied. Dumbass! I'll have to give another 10% blame to Fox. Letting the 30 seconds left in the 4th quarter run out with two timeouts, WTF!!! Bad move. Overtime is not the place to be for the Panthers. They couldn't get it done in the first 4 quarters! They certainly didn't need another 15 minutes to prove they could lose. And lastly, 2% to the offensive line and 8% to QB that were lackluster. Just should have put more points on the board. What a sad state of affairs in that camp!

But it didn't stop my good day. I had a few neighbors over and Krissy's sister Karen was over - Austin's buddy. I had the race and the football games in PIP. I love this 52" TV. Does a great job of letting me track multiple events. Pretty cool. The race was good. I was happy to see Johnson and Bush at the end of the day toward the end. Two of 4 or so drivers I just don't like. That is odd because of the total amount of cars on the field, I like only a few and the rest are just there. I could root for some of the others in the final laps, but they aren't my favorites. So, to make my sux list the driver, team, or both have to display bad sportsmanship either on the track, when they are levied a fine from NASCAR for 'cheating', and/or off the track antics. It was good to see Harvick win. Not the racer I was look for to pull it off, but he is on a roll and he drives a Chevy for RCR. Not to fret, I like Martin too. I think he is doing a good job so far. Of coarse, I don't want to hear him call out spotters to tell their drivers to move over. That is horseshit! Oh and we can't forget Gordon. He always has gentlemen comments to say. As much as folks complain or boo, he is professional about it all. And that #8? You can tell he was looking for more out of his team. He was really looking to pull himself up in the standings. He did a good job, it just was not the top car today. You get what you can get and gear up for next week. At least he didn't lose any points positions.


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