Shaw Family Diary

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Dad's Rehab - Part II

Well, I've had a few appointments since this post. My progress is good, excellent as a matter of fact! I can’t imagine it will take me 6 months to recover. I’ve made really good progress. My range of motion has to be close to 95%. My strength isn’t there at all and I can’t really put much pressure on it without pain. Even in physical therapy I’m in pain. But I suck it up to get the full range of motion back, plus I don’t take the pain medication as described. I’m taken less and less of it each time. They’ve added two new exercises and subtracted one. The one where I lay on my side and work out my left arm has been replaced with the standing up one with a surgical band, large rubber band. I’ve also increased my weight to 1 pound on two of the exercises! Yippy! When I reach 3 sets of 30 repetitions of an exercise, I can increase my weight 1 pound. It is eating up my time. For example, the over head exercise where I stretch my arms over the head to the ground has a 10 second hold count for 3 sets of 30 twice a day. That is 15 minutes, 30 minutes for the day.


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