Shaw Family Diary

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Innate Thoughts - SFC Brown

Sometimes life doesn’t seem fair. But, then again, it may be that life is... just that, life!

I’m upstairs in my daughter's room typing this. Before you start thinking too hard, all is fine at the Shaw house. I’m tying to catch her before she wakes up and starts to whine a little. I’d like to let mom sleep in a little today. I’m sure it is all relative, but sleeping in around here means till 0700est.

Back to the fair question. Well, the thought comes after the review of some events that are happening around the world and a review of my friend’s web pages.

My long time buddy Brown is in Iraq. He had joined the military after high school and I after college. We were both in for Desert Shield and Desert Strom, in perspective with the Vietnam war, to me, an uneventful engagement. Nonetheless, we did our jobs in our respective branch of service. When I got out, I started the public sector hard to get a good job. I’m a poster child for hard work pays off. My buddy Brown is the same, however he opted to remain on military reserve duty. As fate would have it, he was called up for the Iraq war. His duty is great. I feel sad that I am not there with him. He must be a stronger man. This freedom we have is of high regard and we must treat it as such. We must stop the stifling of our own people in the name of money. Is that what he is fighting for? I know, it is larger than that some will say. But is it? From political figures being corrupt in all facets, I wonder what we are fighting for over there? We may call it democracy here, but aren’t the workers being taken advantage if just the same? Look around; Enron, Worldcom, Arthur Anderson, KPMG, Tyco, etc. They ALL took advantage of the people. So what are we fighting for, another country to follow those same “democracy footsteps” in less then 2 centuries? I’m not saying democracy is wrong. I’m just saying, let’s really do as our founding fathers intended when we came here. Hint, hint. It wasn’t to be cynicism to our fellow neighbors.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My thoughts are with you and your family!

October 10, 2006 2:35 PM  

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