Shaw Family Diary

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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Our Tuesday

Jennifer had her nine month wellness checkup on Tuesday, October 3. She weighs 21 lbs. 4 oz. (85%) She is 27.5 inches long (50%). And, her head circumference is 44 cm (50%). The doctor said that she is doing fine.

Austin went to school and was the calendar helper. I'm not sure what that means, but he proudly announced it to us when we picked him up from school.

Tuesdays are Austin's show and tell days. This week's show and tell topic was "the farm". Austin brought a collage of pictures of his Grandpa Randy working on the cotton farm in Arkansas. That's our "Cotton Pickin' Grandpa". He was so excited to take the photos to school with him. He also said that he wants to go see Grandpa and work on the farm with him.

After school we spent the afternoon playing outside. It was a comfortable 85 degrees outside. Austin climbed trees and we all played kickball with a really big ball. Mom kicked it and accidentally popped it on the gas lamp out in front of our house. Oops! We had to play some baseball after that.

For dinner we met Henry and Candy Osuna at a little mom and pop Italian restaurant off of Rocky River Road. The food is fantastic.


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