Shaw Family Diary

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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving to All

We had a wonderful day. We invited friends and family over for lunch and dinner. It was a house full of people, noise, and games. Even Jenny had a great time. She mostly wrestled with us bigger kids. We took this month to help Austin understand the spirit of giving. We start with a few chores at home that earned him money so he could offer it to help others. We further instilled the spirit by creating care packages for soldiers in Iraq.
The response we got was very well received and Austin was hooked. We spend a few hours a week talking to a few buddies in Iraq via the computer. Austin mostly likes to get in front of the webcam. Today was no exception. We talked to our friends there and wished them a Happy Thanksgiving.

Austin made a cornucopia for school in the spirit of Thanksgiving. Mom helped him stick pictures of the family on the cornucopia.

It truly was a great Thanksgiving.

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