Shaw Family Diary

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Charlotte's Veteran's Day Parade

Oh boy did we have a great time. It almost didn't happen for the Shaw's. See, we had too many things to do on Saturday to fit in the parade. And, to be honest, they usually are not that well organized parades in general. We had Austin's theater from 10:30 through 11:10 and the parade started at 11:00, a couple of blocks away. Well, while Austin was in theater Kris, Jenny, and I walked down to see all the bands, jROTC groups, and floats get ready for the parade. Jenny really liked to hear the bands play. She was fixated on them every time they started to play. Her head would twist one way and then snap to another as a different band started to practice. It was neat.

We hot-footed it back to get Austin and take him to, but we had to hustle. It all worked out. Austin had a great time. He got an American flag to wave early on and he waved it to everyone. It was really neat to watch the kids get involved. The parade featured motorcycles, old cars, WWII military motor pool vehicles, bands, jROTC, DAV, and all kinds of great folks showing thanks! It was overwhelming. On the way back we saw a pretty poignant display of boots lined up at the Museum of the New South. It was a different symbol on Veteran's Day. It represented each soldier that had been killed in Iraq from North Carolina. It was very tough for us, me, to observe this awesome display.

More pic's (updated)


Blogger Steve said...

I dunno, I was kind of out off by the way the anti-war movement was going thru the crowd, to get people into the museum. I mean, I appreciate that they feel so compassionate about the Iraq war, and I agree with them for the most part, but I think it was pretty much disrespectful of them to pull that stunt on veterans day.They were very subtly about it, there wasnt a whole lot of anti government rhetoric, but the very fact that they saw fit to say "see the toll the Iraq war is taking?" was an irritant to me. As a veteran myself, I was offended.

Like I said, I agree with them, and I appreciate the sacrifice our men and women have made for the Iraqis, but I think was distatseful to bring up on veterans day.

September 25, 2007 4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, was doing a search on the Charlotte Veteran's Day Parade to find pics of our float and came across your blog. Do you have any pics of the VFW float (the one with the singer)? Thanks,

November 14, 2007 12:46 PM  
Blogger The Shaw Family said...


I did look at our photos and did't see it. This is a 2006 Veteran's Day. I have update the link to our new photo location; both in the blog and here.

November 14, 2007 11:39 PM  

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