Shaw Family Diary

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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Iraq care package update

I got an email from my long time best friend, Jason, who is serving in the Army in Iraq. I was so moved by his response. Maybe it was the thoughtfulness, or maybe it was something else. At any rate, the care package we packed was a big hit. We were so tickled to hear how they liked the offerings this Thanksgiving. I was surprised that it had arrived so quickly. It was only a few weeks ago when we start the whole process. Wow, that was fast.

We shot a few emails back and forth. I was shocked by that as well. I thought he might had been able to squeeze in a few batch emails and move on. But we exchanged a few. In the last one, he told me to get Yahoo messenger up and running and that he'd IM me. Wow! That was really cool. So, about 2 hours ago we were IM'ing back and forth. It was truly awesome. I can't tell you how wonderful that was. I thought he was just around the corner, like the rest of the people I communicate with daily. Ok, every minute! However, reality was he was in Iraq. So I asked about the computer. Is it a public share computer or what? He said 15 of them pitched in $5K and $120 a month for the computer and satellite service. How damn cool is that?!? I was shocked. He has a webcam, speaker, microphone, and who knows what else. I was dumbfounded. I would have never guessed they were that connected. Hell, I think I woke him up when I started the IM thing and request I join his buddy list. He says he leaves it on so his son can call him on it. Damn, how cool is that?!? WTF???!!!??? This is some good times for technology. I would have never suspected he was in close communication like that. Oh, I know it exist, I engineer a lot of it. But, that they all pitched in and made it happen. Very cool!

Below is the email. I've taken his email address out. You can either leave a comment here or email me and I'll really a message for you.

-----Original Message-----
From: jason
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2006 12:38 PM
To: Shaw, David
Hey there POWER PUP,
Man that was so cool I got your care box yesterday and man let me tell you that you nailed the spices and salt and BBQ sauce on the head. Me and my team are going to have a BBQ on Thanksgiving day. I took the mags and put them in the MWR room just the ones I didn't want to look at. I was just about out of soap and tooth paste so those are great and of course the sunflower seeds. Well man I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. Tell Kristi I said thanks too I know she did all the work.LOL. So how is everyone doing . . .Well I just wanted to say hi and thank you guys for all the stuff that you sent me. It is folks like you that makes what I am doing over here worth it all. I am also hoping maybe we might take a ride on the bikes some where. The PUP AND BIRD ride again huh. Hey I am going to go now ohh don't forget that I love you guys and hope to see you soon.


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