Shaw Family Diary

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Care Package - Iraq

Just in time for a Thanksgiving lesson, we are putting together a care package for my buddies in Iraq. We have several items to get. I was once on the receiving end of care packages when I was in the service and it is always a good time to give back! So off to the store we go. If anyone wishes to send items through us, please email me. BRB

Ok, we are back! We've got Jerky, gum, spices, chapstick (cherry), hygiene stuff, Gatorade, tea bags, and just a load of stuff. We are going to pack it all in a plastic tub. Maybe he can use it to store other stuff, or repack what isn't all taken. Hopefully, it doesn't become extra junk.

The post office was great. No fan fare for sending overseas, but some real genuine thank yous. Of course, I had to fill out the declaration form, not a real big deal. The package was 49 lbs. Not too bad. And, it was only $20 something to send. Now that was awesome. Not sure if that is the normal rate or special military. All and all, we, the Shaw family, feel really good about this process and see more of the same in the future! Of course, Jenny thought I was being all silly


Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless you all !!!!

November 19, 2006 5:05 PM  

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