Shaw Family Diary

This is the chronicles of the Shaw family. . .

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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Jennifer's First Birthday

Happy Birthday, Jennifer!!!!

Jennifer woke up at 6:30 today and mom and dad wished her Happy Birthday. We went downstairs, and dad decided to pick up some groceries. He took Jennifer and Nikki with him so that mom could surprise Jennifer with some presents when she got home.

While Jennifer was out of the house, mom blew up a bubble gum playland ball pit for Jennifer to play in. Mom just finished blowing it up when dad pulled into the garage. Jennifer wasn't sure what to think of the ball pit when she saw it. When Austin woke up and came downstairs to play in it, Jennifer couldn't wait to join him. Now she just loves it.

At 10:00 mom left to pick up some balloons from Party City and a birthday cake from Cold Stone Creamery. While she was gone dad was downloading pictures on the computer from the digital camera. At the same time the toilet in the master bathroom was overflowing. About an hour later dad realized that there was 2 inches of water in the bathroom. It was seeping into the walk-in closet, the master bedroom, the hall, and into Austin's bedroom. Later we found out it was leaking into the garage as well. All this and we were hosting a party in one hour.

Uncle Ralph and Aunt Gail showed up around 12:30 and Aunt Karen and Uncle Dave showed up shortly there after. Jennifer opened her presents and then we cut the birthday cake. Jennifer got the first piece. She got it all over her hands and face, and then she put some frosting in her hair. She still looked beautiful. When everyone finished eating cake we watched some videos we took on the camcorder. Then people started leaving.

After everyone was gone we called First Restoration Services to clean up the water damage. They pulled up the linolem and the base boards in the master bathroom. They also removed the padding under the carpet in the walk-in closet. They cut a hole in the ceiling of the garage, and set up 5 big fans and a humidifier in the house and left. They will be back on Tuesday. The crew was very professional and did everything very quickly. However, the upstairs of the house is a mess. What a way to end 2006.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Football Pep Rally

On Friday we all went uptown to a football pep rally. The city had the streets closed and there was all kinds of free events for kids. They had flex flying, blow up moon jumps, blow up obstacle courses, slides and so much more.

Austin and Nikki began the day with a gladiator fight. Then, Sariah, Nikki, and Austin went down a giant slide.

While Austin was jumping in the moon jump the girls tried the gladiator fight and a football pulling game. It was hilarious to watch! Nikki won the football game. Way to go Nikki!

Nikki and Sariah each got a free bouquet of flowers made out of balloons from a gentlemen walking down the street. Everyone asked us where we got them and how much they were for the rest of the day. It began to get annoying.

Mom, Austin, Sariah and Nikki got their faces painted while dad and Jennifer stood in line for a funnel cake. Yum!

The biggest hit of all was the blow up footall obstacle course. The kids went through it over and over again when Sariah asked mom to race through the course against her. Mom said sure, and they were off. They were neck and neck through the course until they got to the rock wall. Mom jumped at it and made it to the top, but she slipped and fell all the way to the bottom. Sariah ended up beating her by a long shot. Now it was dad's turn to race Nikki. Nikki took off like a flash, but dad quickly caught up until he reached the dreaded rock wall. Dad had a hard time getting his body up and over the wall and Nikki sneaked through and beat him. It was so much fun!

After the obstacle course the kids went rock climbing. Both Sariah and Nikki were quickly able to reach the top and push the buzzer. Austin tried to climb the wall, but he didn't make it to the top. No big deal. Maybe next time.

The kids wanted to do the flex flying too, but the line was way too long and moving way too slow. Regardless of that, we had a fabulous day!

Happy Birthday, Mom

December 27th was mom's birthday. After a wonderful scrambled egg breakfast cooked by dad and a fabulous morning at home, we all went out for ice cream at Friendly's. Everyone got something different so that we could share.

Later that day, after having Papa John's pizza for dinner, mom got two birthday cakes. One was a carrot cake and one was a vanilla birthday cake with pink flowers. Yum!

Mom was spoiled with a brand new Cannon Power Shot digital camera for her birthday. It takes pictures very quickly and is the size of a credit card. It is Awsome!

It was the best birthday ever!

Merry Christmas

Dad and mom were so excited Christmas morning that they got up at 5:00 am. We turned the lights on the Christmas tree and assumed that the kids would be up any second. Boy were we wrong. They all slept until 7:00 am.

When everyone was finally up, we all emptied our stockings and started tearing into presents. Austin would exclaim, "Oh Yeah Baby!" every time he opened a present. He was enthusiastic and thankful for each and every item he got. Austin got a pair of Heeleys, an L-Max, books, clothes, movies, puzzels, cars, a Hess truck, and much, much more. He and Jennifer got a teeter totter to share. That was a big hit.

Jennifer wasn't interested in ripping open gifts. However, she was very interested in eating the wrapping paper and playing with the boxes that everything came in. Once the gifts were open she played with the toys. She received a corn popper ride on toy, a musical train, clothes, books, dolls, and so much more.

Sariah and Nikki got clothes, coats, boot slippers, jewelry, bath items, and gift certificates to Northlakes Mall. Sariah is using part of her gift certificate to get her nails done.

Aunt Karen and Uncle Dave came over for Christmas dinner. We had ham, sweet potatos, mashed potatos, green beans and all kinds of desserts.

It was rainy outside all day long, but it didn't slow down the festivities inside. We had a fabulous Christmas!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Polar Express!

We traveled to Bryson City, NC on Sunday, Dec 17. We spent the night at a Sleep Inn. The kids watched A Charlie Brown Christmas just before we all went to bed. We had to get up early for Monday's big events.

On Monday morning we grabbed some breakfast at Burger King and then headed into town to the train depot. We were taking the Polar Express to the North Pole to see Santa!

The train ride was awsome! They served us hot chocolate and rice krispy treats and read the Polar Express story to us on the way to the North Pole. The scenery was breathtaking.

Santa boarded the train when we stopped and Austin received a silver bell. We all sang Christmas carols during the ride back.

It was truly a magical moment!

After the train ride we walked around town and did some shopping. We ate at a little pizza place for lunch and had some ice cream at an old fashion soda shop after lunch.

Our Anniversary

Friday, December 15 was our 5 year anniversary. And, what a wonderful anniversary it was. Mom made out like a bandit. Mom got a gorgeous one carat diamond necklace, a teddy bear, a dozen pink roses, a dozen red roses, a box of chocolates, balloons, and a gift certificate to Starbucks.

Dad got a touching anniversary card and a crystal with a wedding photo on it.

Austin had to go to preschool. He was celebrating his last day of school until January 2. They made reindeer head pieces and they all looked adorable in them. Austin brought home a card that he made for us and lots of artwork. He decorated a candy cane with red glitter, and he made a beautiful nativity scene.

We really had a wonderful day.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Austin's Preschool Christmas Party

Austin had his preschool Christmas party on Thursday, December 14. It was a lot of fun. The class had pizza and Christmas tree cookies.

After lunch Andrew's mom read the class a Christmas story.

When the story was over the kids got some time to play. Austin and Baily swept the floors. Then, Austin and Lexi decorated the small Christmas tree in the classroom.

When we got home Austin showed us the reindeer he made out of a paper bag. The anters were cutouts of his hands. Inside the bag was a Christmas present for mom and dad. It was a tile with Austin's handprint on it. We love it!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Little Touch of the Flu

Yes, it has been awhile since we posted. But some nice soul left a comment on how well we were doing. So, I don't feel that guilty. There is MUCH to write, but little time. I've been thoroughly tied up at work and the others are a little sick.

The family is mostly sick today. It stared with Austin a few days ago. He had a little fever. Yesterday, it hit mom and the baby. Hopefully it was pass. I feel so bad for them. The baby most of had 10-15 diaper changes today and mom was still doing it all. She is a tough women. Hard to tell s small as she is. But she packs a lot of will in there. Yes, Jennifer was up crying. She had messed her self up. Not as bad as the other night. She actually had spit-up in bed and slept in it. Mom bathed her that morning. Yuck!

But not all was lost. Austin was well enough to head out for a little fresh air last night with me. Mom and Jenny went to bed around 1730est. Austin and I headed up to the local church to see the outdoor nativity scene. This was Austin's first real religious play to experience. He enjoyed it. It lasted about 17 minutes and was played every 30 minutes. He really had a lot of questions later on our ride to Wal-Mart.

Also, I do have this nice photo of my buddy in Iraq, currently in KY. I understand from my wife, through an IM, that his father-in-law had passed away and he is home. It is all I know, but explains the absences I'd started to yearn for via IM from him while in Iraq.