Shaw Family Diary

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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Jennifer's First Birthday

Happy Birthday, Jennifer!!!!

Jennifer woke up at 6:30 today and mom and dad wished her Happy Birthday. We went downstairs, and dad decided to pick up some groceries. He took Jennifer and Nikki with him so that mom could surprise Jennifer with some presents when she got home.

While Jennifer was out of the house, mom blew up a bubble gum playland ball pit for Jennifer to play in. Mom just finished blowing it up when dad pulled into the garage. Jennifer wasn't sure what to think of the ball pit when she saw it. When Austin woke up and came downstairs to play in it, Jennifer couldn't wait to join him. Now she just loves it.

At 10:00 mom left to pick up some balloons from Party City and a birthday cake from Cold Stone Creamery. While she was gone dad was downloading pictures on the computer from the digital camera. At the same time the toilet in the master bathroom was overflowing. About an hour later dad realized that there was 2 inches of water in the bathroom. It was seeping into the walk-in closet, the master bedroom, the hall, and into Austin's bedroom. Later we found out it was leaking into the garage as well. All this and we were hosting a party in one hour.

Uncle Ralph and Aunt Gail showed up around 12:30 and Aunt Karen and Uncle Dave showed up shortly there after. Jennifer opened her presents and then we cut the birthday cake. Jennifer got the first piece. She got it all over her hands and face, and then she put some frosting in her hair. She still looked beautiful. When everyone finished eating cake we watched some videos we took on the camcorder. Then people started leaving.

After everyone was gone we called First Restoration Services to clean up the water damage. They pulled up the linolem and the base boards in the master bathroom. They also removed the padding under the carpet in the walk-in closet. They cut a hole in the ceiling of the garage, and set up 5 big fans and a humidifier in the house and left. They will be back on Tuesday. The crew was very professional and did everything very quickly. However, the upstairs of the house is a mess. What a way to end 2006.


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