Shaw Family Diary

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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Merry Christmas

Dad and mom were so excited Christmas morning that they got up at 5:00 am. We turned the lights on the Christmas tree and assumed that the kids would be up any second. Boy were we wrong. They all slept until 7:00 am.

When everyone was finally up, we all emptied our stockings and started tearing into presents. Austin would exclaim, "Oh Yeah Baby!" every time he opened a present. He was enthusiastic and thankful for each and every item he got. Austin got a pair of Heeleys, an L-Max, books, clothes, movies, puzzels, cars, a Hess truck, and much, much more. He and Jennifer got a teeter totter to share. That was a big hit.

Jennifer wasn't interested in ripping open gifts. However, she was very interested in eating the wrapping paper and playing with the boxes that everything came in. Once the gifts were open she played with the toys. She received a corn popper ride on toy, a musical train, clothes, books, dolls, and so much more.

Sariah and Nikki got clothes, coats, boot slippers, jewelry, bath items, and gift certificates to Northlakes Mall. Sariah is using part of her gift certificate to get her nails done.

Aunt Karen and Uncle Dave came over for Christmas dinner. We had ham, sweet potatos, mashed potatos, green beans and all kinds of desserts.

It was rainy outside all day long, but it didn't slow down the festivities inside. We had a fabulous Christmas!


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